Monday, September 3, 2012

Act 1

Longing, Lonely, Lovely.

As the days go on there is a fire burning within my soul. There is a longing that thirsts. A heartbeat that pounds. This longing is driven by a force that I can't see. A source I can't locate. But it has a name, He is a person. His name, Jesus.

On the days that I am lonely. On the journies where I feel alone. When insanity seems to be a description of my day, He is There. As the tears of my life fall to the floor. He is Mine. When people fail me, He never does. His name, Jesus.

The farther I walk the more lovely he beams. He is the light. He is the life, He is the word. He is God. Creation is amazing, the Creator is infinitely amazing. The sun is bright, the Son is brighter. Life is sweet, The Life is sweeter. Kind words are nice, His word is better. He is God, He is Jesus.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Easy as 1,2,3

I think I have taken my life in Christ a little too shamefully. As we have studied through the book of Mark we have come upon 3 stories that many of us have heard time and again. But as we have studied them all together I have noticed a theme. A theme of how to be great by becoming nothing. By redefining what great means and how to obtain it.

At first we see a rich man who had all the parts of being a great follower of Christ, or so it seems. We are so prone to judging a book by its cover that we forget that is not how God judges. Christ asked him some great questions and the man seemed to Havre them all, but then Christ pointed out the "one thing" he lacked. He lacked Christ. He lacked faith. So Jesus makes this extreme command for him to become less than those around him by selling all he had. The man refused and left angry.

Next James and John get in on the action and want to be great in God's kingdom here on earth. They look for a seat of honor and want to be above men. But Christ simply reminds them that his kingdom is not about being in power, but being a slave to others. About things higher of others than you do yourself. That means our murmuring goes away. Our self-righteous attitudes fade and we are willing to be the bottom of the barrel.

Lastly, we saw the man Bartimaues. A low life who was a beggar that had no real skills. He had no reputation and definitely no money. He was willing to be embarrassed by yelling for Jesus, and even when others said to be quiet he refused. He yelled louder and louder until Jesus heard him. At the end Jesus admired his faith and allowed him to follow along to Jerusalem. How about you? Are you willing to follow this formula to follow Jesus? To become less, to serve more, even the lowest ones who we would consider beggars?Aren't we all just beggars looking to eat of the bread of life. Take time to think about this. Jesus is really setting a high standard that we are to follow. Will you consider following HIM?

Sunday, October 16, 2011


Today we studied the transformation of Jesus in Mark 9. This word transformed is the same word that we get when a caterpillar turns into a butterfly. A morphing or a changing. And in the case of Christ, he went from God to God with style:) But at the end He left us with a message of change. A promise of a life after life.

So why is it that I don't seem transformed at times? The disciples themselves were already not understanding the life after death  statement by the time they walked off the mountain. They had just seen life after death, yet they failed to see the transformation, or more clearly accept it's meaning. But ultimately for the disciples to transform into who they were in Christ, it took a lifetime. A lifetime of progress, self denial, failure, godliness, bible study and prayer to become the transformed men of God who changed the world.

So for these men the butterfly image doesn't seem to suit.If they could be completely transformed by climbing into a "spiritual" cocoon, they would have done so. But what we see is the reality for these men to grasp what transformation was, and who it was to be done for took their life to understand.

And in the same way for me, for us. We want transformation to be immediate. Like a cloud speaking from the sky kind of moment. But in truth our transformation is going to take a lifetime of pursuit for Him to be complete. And even then, even when we may have done everything in this life to be just like Him, we still will be short. The prize, the piece to the puzzle that solves it all, is the reality that our true transfiguration is waiting for us in glory. So live like you are working for glory, the glory of our King.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Is perfection possible?

A few months ago I was in Florida at Epcot. We were all starving, and thank God my wife made reservations at a restaurant. We ordered our food and began to eat. As my fork with a small portion of my meal hit my tongue my mind began to fire off signals of perfection. The meal was divine. The waiter prompt and polite. My parents were there to help corral the kids and the whole meal was perfection

As I thought about this post and the idea of perfection, I realized that I had no problem calling the meal perfect. I have no problem calling many things perfect, but why can't I be perfect. Many have grown up hearing the phrase "there is none perfect except God." Making perfection an unobtainable ideal, but not a reachable reality.

Scripture seems to say that perfection is possible, or at least to be pursued. In Matthew 5:43-48 Christ talks about loving our enemies and how we are to pray for those we hate and even love those who hate us. Are you serious, love that Mom that many believed was guilty but is deemed not guilty. Love that arrogant guy at church that seems to be there to put on a show. Love that pastor that forgot about me. Love that kid that put a small dent in my car. Love that relative that everyone knows they gossip about all of them. Love the boss that is completely incompetent. Love the waiter who should have never been a waiter. Yes, yes we are. And not only are we to love them, but we are to do so with perfection.

God's love is extended to those the sun rises upon and on those where His rain falls. No one is excluded, NO ONE! And only in His love is the pursuit of perfection possible. At the end of the challenge Christ says: "Therefore you are to be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect." May you pursue the love of God to reveal the perfection of His love to your enemies. Because perfection is possible. Selah